I enrolled in a great learning front end development – Html online course. I chose this CAS experience because I’m curious about structure of a web page and want to learn more about it. My CAS experience allowed me to gain a solid foundation of and knowledge of the fundamentals of Html.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Because I am passionate about learning programming and technology, I wanted to learn something new through this CAS experience. I’m sure I know what my advantages are now. It’s critical to be aware of your strengths because doing so will help you better understand how to approach difficulties.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

I feel incredibly happy and accomplished for taking on and succeeding in the challenge of finishing the Great Learning online HTML course. I urge others to take on new challenges since they can widen knowledge and perspectives, which makes them an essential component of one’s personal and professional development.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I feel compelled to start and plan my day activities and events as I work through the CAS experience of finishing an online HTML course on Great Learning. This is because I must manage my academic endeavours, as well as my extracurricular activities, in order to efficiently complete the course. By arranging my daily routine, I can ensure that I am able to manage my studies and other commitments, and make progress towards reaching my goals.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I made the commitment that I needed to make in order to finish this activity—I committed to wanting to learn something new. Making a commitment to something you enjoy or are passionate about is simple.

Because I will be studying something new that I am enthusiastic about and want to learn more about, Knowledgeable is one of the learner profile qualities that I developed as a result of this CAS experience.



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