Photography Club (Click it)

I took part in “Clickit,” a photographic group that was run in the school. We learned about various photographic techniques, photographic angles, and terms like exposure, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, etc. in the photography club. We also studied some fundamentals of photo editing.

I will now have a greater idea of how photography is done, what everything is, and what knowledge you need to perform photography as a consequence of my CAS experience. I’ll also learn about the considerations that should be made when taking and editing pictures.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

As I am passionate about learning photography and editing, I was able to recognise via this CAS experience that photography can be a strength of mine. I am incredibly confident now that I am aware of my advantages. Knowing what makes up your strengths can help you better understand how to deal with your limitations, which is why it is crucial to do so.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The difficulties I encountered came from the fact that photography calls for a fundamental comprehension of technical concepts like shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. So that I could comprehend everything better, I had to start by learning all the fundamentals. Additionally, you need top-notch tools to master photography, such as a nice camera with features like adjustable shutter speed, ISO, aperture, built-in filters, etc.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

To finish this exercise, I had to make the commitment that I wanted to learn something new and about which I was extremely passionate. Making a commitment to something you enjoy or are passionate about is simple.

Knowledgeable is one of the learner profile qualities I developed as a result of this CAS experience because I will be studying something new about which I have a strong interest and which I want to learn more.

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