Football tournament – CAS project

We embark on a thrilling journey, sharing an event that transcends the boundaries of sports and extends its impact to the greater good of our community, by embracing the realm of CAS (Creativity, Activity, and Service). We formed a team which inculdes Me, Shiven and Dhruv, grade 12 students, collaborate to organize a football tournament that goes beyond the field.

Learning Outcome 1 (LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

Our CAS project serves as a testing ground for identifying and developing individual strengths like Shiven’s charisma, my organizational skills, and Dhruv’s marketing expertise combine to form an unstoppable trio. Our development goes beyond personal boundaries; I improved my leadership, Shiven improved his time management, and Dhruv broadens his social outreach.

Learning Outcome 2 (LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

Organizing a football tournament from scratch puts our skills to the test. Our negotiation, event planning, and problem-solving skills have been honed by challenges ranging from securing sponsors to coordinating participants and ensuring seamless event logistics. These abilities serve as our compass, guiding us to future success.

Learning Outcome 3 (LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience)

From conception to execution, our CAS journey is defined by meticulous planning. A thorough project plan, meticulous logistical considerations, and strategic foresight all work together to ensure not only a successful event but also an unforgettable experience for all participants.

Learning Outcome 4 (LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

Our CAS initiative is built on perseverance and commitment. Regardless of setbacks and obstacles, our unwavering determination propels us forward. Our dedication extends beyond the football field; it fuels our unwavering dedication to the larger cause that drives us.

Learning Outcome 5 (LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Our project revolves around collaboration. Shiven, Kavit, and Dhruv’s harmonious synergy exemplifies the power of collaboration. We combine our skills and perspectives to form a powerful force that overcomes all obstacles in our path.

Learning Outcome 6 (LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance)

While our football tournament takes place locally, the underlying principles are felt globally. Sportsmanship, teamwork, and community involvement transcend national boundaries. By championing these values, we contribute to the global tapestry, one goal at a time, stitching together a brighter world.

Our CAS endeavor gives purpose to high school students’ free time by cultivating a culture of spirited competition, camaraderie, and sportsmanship within our school community. Furthermore, the event’s registration fees will be donated to a charitable cause. By donating the remaining funds to the Uday Foundation, we reaffirm our commitment to social responsibility.

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