Playing Basketball

I played basketball twice a week with my friends on basketball court for 3 weeks to learn and practice the sport basketball. The duration of my practice was around 2 hours. My reason for choosing this CAS experience is that I wanted to learn a new sport and I thought of learning and practice basketball. I started to find basketball a good sport to play and I decided to include it as my CAS experience.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I started to learn the game by initially learning it’s rules, then practicing by playing it continuously for few hours. Then After few days I felt confident that I can play this sport and improve by practicing it more and more. My areas for growth was to learn better shooting in basketball, More accurate shots can lead to better score.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.  

The challenge I faced in order to learn this skill is that I had to arrange time from my daily routine. That time could be invested somewhere else. But after playing this sport i feel very confident and wish to continue playing this sport further.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

In order to start and initiate this CAS experience, I was required to create a balance in my studies and personal activities. I Managed to give few hours of my daily time to make this CAS experience happen.

SDG 3 – “Good Health and Well-Being” are addressed in this CAS experience. Balanced is one of the learner profile attributes I gained as a outcome of this CAS experience because I was juggling my academics and athletics.


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