Creative mela

Fountainhead School’s Creative Mela is a dynamic event that brings together students from grades 11 and 12 to curate an array of engaging activities for younger students in grades 7-9. I was fortunate enough to take on the role of organizing and leading one of the activities, which involved teaching participants the art of crafting dreamcatchers. Through this endeavor, I was able to showcase my creative skills while also fostering an environment of learning and collaboration. Being entrusted with the responsibility of running a successful activity allowed me to cultivate my leadership abilities and helped me realize the power of peer-to-peer education.
Learning outcomes achieved
LO2: demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.
Prior to this event, I have never considered myself to be particularly artistic or creative. However, this opportunity allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and test the limits of my abilities. With newfound determination, I embraced creativity as a challenge, eagerly diving into the experience with an open mind. Through this process, This event not only allowed me to expand my skill set but also pass on those skills to younger children.
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

For three hours straight, I taught the same craft to a group of children who were attending the event. Managing a classroom full of young learners can be a daunting task, as each child brings their unique set of strengths and challenges to the table. As such, this activity demanded a great deal of perseverance and patience on my part. However, I remained steadfast in my commitment to providing quality instruction and guidance to each and every child in attendance. This experience helped me develop my leadership skills, as I learned how to adapt my teaching style to suit the needs of individual learners while maintaining a positive and supportive learning environment.

Learner profile:

Risk-taker: I was well-aware of my lack of artistic skills but still chose to take this activity up as a challenge.

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