Bal Mela

This was a student-led event where about 17 government schools visited our campus. We wanted to give them experiences (various art activities, sports, and games)  that they were probably never exposed to. I was a volunteer and was in charge of the face-painting activity.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

In the first instance,  I faced issues while painting on people’s faces, I was slow and not confident about the work I was doing, but gradually I improved and worked efficiently throughout the activity. For me, it was important to know that Art is my strength as a VA student, knowing what you’re good at always helps you build your confidence.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

In this activity, constant presence and activeness was very important as there were a lot of students coming in from various schools and we were just 5 people to entertain them on the stall , I worked for 4 hours with minimum breaks , usually its difficult for me to stick with one task but with this one, I thoroughly enjoyed my work and I felt responsible to attend the work given to me in the best way possible.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Sometimes it is  strenuous  for me to work with others, mainly because everyone has a different pace and way of working and it can become chaotic and frustrating at times , resulting to an inefficient outcome. It was a bit difficult working with others in this activity since I wasn’t familiar with them , I also faced some issues as the resources were mishandled and some of the volunteers were not attending their work thoroughly .I was  initially  very hesitant to take charge of the group but i realised that communicating with everyone would help resolve issues and make a lot of difference in the way that the activity would be executed.

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