coding club

The school was offering clubs as an alternative to AS. one of the options for the clubs was a coding club. I’ve learned a new language: Java. besides that, I also learned how to work with GUI. most of my peers were also beginners, so it was easy to follow along with the lessons. there were a couple of tests to check our progress throughout the duration of the club.


LO1 – (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

I knew little about coding before joining the club. however, it was not tough for me to learn quickly. I would think logically to break down problems and answer any questions the teacher asked. I completed all the assignments on time to ensure my learning process doesn’t slow down. I used all tools to come up with solutions to the problem presented. however, there were sometimes I would ask the teacher for help, this is something I have to improve on to become as efficient as possible.


LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

In Java, there are multiple ways to tackle a problem, the most efficient and least time-consuming way was usually the toughest to find. this was one of my primary hindrances. one way I overtook this was by asking for help from my peers and comparing our approaches to the problems. as more practice went into coding, I would usually find the best solution instantly. another hurdle I encountered was missing certain important commands/parts of the code. this was easy to overcome as more practice made it easier.


LO4 – (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.)

I stayed In the club for the entire term. there were times when I felt like leaving the club and giving up. however, I tried my best to finish all the assignments on time. I would also correct any wrong code I write to learn from it. At home, I would practice every day so that I don’t forget any essential information and revise whatever new was learned at school that day.


I have learned a lot from this club, It also helps me in my future career paths. I enjoyed my time in the club. developing new skills such as logical thinking will help me immensely in the future.



few of the codes we wrote during the classes:



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