Model united nations, Model united nations is an event organized for students all over the city for students interested in learning more about diplomacy, international relations, and different committees in the United Nations and Lok Sabha (Indian Committee). MUN is a way for kids to improve their public speaking skills, gain confidence, and learn about global issues. Taking part in MUNs, this year I wanted to be a part of the organizing committee. Under this, I was given the task of making study guides for WHO and UNOOSA. Along with it I worked with the decor team and was the floor manager on the day of MUN.


LO’s that were met during this:

LO1  -  Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Participating in MUNs I studied those guides thoroughly and therefore knew what was expected by the participants in those guides. With past experience being in their shoes, I broke down all the content in the most organized manner and proposed questions which would be helpful in fueling the debates.


LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

The deadline for the submission of the first draft overlapped with my term 1 examination, yet I did not neglect it and made sure that all the work was done as per the time assigned. Moreover, because the event was scheduled to happen just after our Diwali vacation I had to work during my holidays. This was an added effort made so that the study guides are distributed on time.


LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

International issues is explored in the format of a MUN. Subjects discussed here were urgent issues happening in the real world. All committees had agendas that included items like Boko Haram, cyberterrorism, space technologies, identity-based discrimination, a conflict that has broken out in India’s northern and northeastern states, veto power, and creating precautionary protocols for impending epidemics and pandemics. These issues are all of a global nature, and each committee had wonderful discussions about them.

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