Educational Trip

Every year, our school takes teachers and students on camping trips. After the Pandemic of the past two years, the school once more took us on holiday. This time, the destination was Mount Abu where we participated in a range of sports like caving, rappelling, mountain climbing, and hiking. The idea behind such trips is to enjoy nature and get some learning, including life skills that one would not get on a vacation probability with their family. 

LO’s that were met during this:

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

On the trip we went caving, it was a wonderful experience which I found very informative. Over there we were taught about different methods of moving along the caves, such as the way in which you should pull your body upwards, how to cross areas where nothing was visible and more. During climbing, we were taught about the concept of 3-point contact. There were games where collaboration, patience and nonverbal communication were tested. All these were learning I got from this experience.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

We were required to carry our own water bottles on the treks and there were no stops for refilling the bottle, here even though we wanted to stock a lot of stuff the weight of the bag was a huge issue. This made me plan transitions where I would consume some quantity of water. Moreover, we amongst ourselves divided the work by putting all the bottles in one bag and scheduling when each of us would carry it. 

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

As mentioned above, by working together we were able to divide the load of carrying the bag. Along with it as we required certain resources on the trip each person carrying everything would just add onto the burden of stuff, making it unnecessary. Thereby before the trip, we made a list of things and asked each person to bring selected items. This was an efficient way to handle space consumption within the small tent and avoided overlapping. 

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