Kalakriti interschool school drama competition

Participation in inter-school Kalkriti drama competition. 

I have always wanted to perform on stage. My school gave me this amazing opportunity to choose theater as an AS activity. During my time while I was exploring theaters, I learned amazing techniques about drama. Also the theater was a break for me from my daily life. It allowed me to play different characters and be different people. Our theater group was given a chance to perform in the inter school drama competition. We finalized our script and I got the lead role in the play. I had the maximum number of dialogues and a lot of responsibility as I was the one who got the lead role. We practiced for more than a month before the competition. 

learning outcomes achieved:


  • LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I’ve always had a passion for theatre and the way it allows me to express a wide range of emotions. I’ve found that through theatre, I can fully immerse myself in a character’s role and bring their emotions to life on stage. I’ve learned that with enough practice and preparation, I can take on emotionally complex roles with ease and confidence.

As I prepared for the lead role in the play, I knew that it would require an even greater level of confidence and dedication. I worked to develop my acting skills and to build my confidence both on and off stage. Through my hard work and dedication, I was able to fully embrace the role and bring the character to life in a way that resonated with audiences. This experience taught me the importance of pushing beyond my comfort zone and striving to achieve my goals, no matter how challenging they may seem.

  • LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I have always had trouble committing to something long term but when I read the script and got the lead role for the play, I understood the amount of responsibility I had. I rehearsed a lot with my team and there were times where I felt like giving up on the role because of the number of lines I had to memorize along with all the blocking. Long hours of rehearsals were difficult and physically exhausting. All of these challenges made me realize how important being dedicated to something is. On the day of the competition, all the commitment and hard work paid off and we won the competition. 

  • LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively                               

Working for a play requires listening to your co-actors and your director. It requires taking constructive criticism from them and applying it to your performance. Collaborating with a team of individuals with varying mindsets and opinions proved to be an invaluable experience as it provided me with constructive criticism that helped me improve my work significantly. Additionally, it taught me the importance of patience and the value of teamwork when it comes to creating a play that resonates with the audience. I cannot emphasize enough how critical my team was to the success of this production. Without their contributions, this play would not have been possible.4

  • LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skill

In the past, I’ve struggled with stage fright and the fear of performing in front of others. However, I was determined to overcome this fear and saw an opportunity to do so through a CAS activity. I decided to audition for several roles in a play, hoping to challenge myself and push beyond my comfort zone. To my surprise, I was offered the lead role in the play, which gave me a sense of validation and boosted my confidence.

I took my role seriously and practiced every day, striving to perfect my lines and understand the nuances of the character. Through my practice and hard work, I was able to overcome my stage fright and truly embody the role I was playing. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance, hard work, and dedication when it comes to achieving one’s goals, both in theatre and in life.

Learner profiles: 

Open-minded: taking feedback and considering new ideas while directing and acting help appreciative new perspectives and enhance the play. 

Communicators: When co-actors and directors communicate their expectations, it gets easier for everyone who’s a part of the play to perform their best. Communication also includes giving criticism constructively.

This CAS experience helped me gain confidence and also helped my school as we got a the trophy for our school.


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