Educational Trip – MOUNT ABU

We went on an educational trip to Mount Abu, which included hiking, caving, and other activities. We were joined by several mentors and volunteers from the area, as well as our batchmates, with whom we had only known as classmates but not as individuals. I awoke early and went for a walk in the woods to witness the beautiful sunrise. Given that being in nature is one of my favorite’s things to do. I like spending time with my buddies, educating them about tracking and giving them camping advise all the time.

For an educational trip I visited Mount Abu with the school. We participated in multiple activities such as, trekking, caving, and rock climbing. I have done physical activities such as these, since I like taking risks and putting myself in situations that challenge me, but this time it felt too easy. It was fun getting a chance to go out with friends, playing new team-building games to develop relationships with my peers, and going through one of the worst changes in climate.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Perseverance is one of my strongest characteristics; completing some projects needed a lot of grit and guts. Although I did not let my worry rule my actions, I constantly reminded myself to keep going even if I stumbled. On this trip, I learnt how to collaborate and realized that it only takes reaching out to people and listening to them to conquer complex difficulties together. When we finished difficult hikes together, it seemed like a great accomplishment, which added to the fun, and every journey was worth the view. Many activities were difficult to participate in since they needed stamina and physical endurance. As I finished them, I became more aware of my own strengths and potential for development. It was difficult to acclimatise to the fact that the weather changed during our trip because it was hot and taxing when we started in the afternoon and cold when we concluded.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

My journey in rock climbing has brought about substantial enhancements in my skill set. Specifically, I’ve seen significant growth in my problem-solving abilities, heightened spatial awareness, and a refined mastery of rope handling and climbing maneuvers. These newfound competencies have not only enriched my overall rock climbing experience but have also proven to be valuable assets in various other facets of my life. Whether it’s navigating through challenging situations, making sound decisions, or even tackling everyday tasks, these skills have become versatile tools that continue to serve me well beyond the cliffs and crags.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Each of the tasks presented quite a time-consuming challenge. As I descended through the ropes during rappelling and explored the dark recesses of the cave, a sense of trepidation crept in, amplified by the soft and somewhat slippery surfaces. However, it was precisely in these moments that my unwavering perseverance and unyielding determination came to the forefront. I was resolute in my commitment to conquering these challenges. The sense of accomplishment and elation that washed over me after successfully completing these tasks was truly unparalleled. It served as a poignant reminder of the immense satisfaction that comes from pushing one’s limits and emerging victorious in the face of fear and uncertainty.

The educational trip to Mount Abu for trekking and rappelling was a transformative experience that allowed me to achieve specific learning outcomes in various ways. I identified my strengths and areas for growth, developed new skills through overcoming challenges, and demonstrated perseverance and commitment throughout the journey. This adventure has left a lasting impact on my personal development and has inspired me to continue seeking out opportunities for growth and self-discovery.


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