Bal Mela

When I think about my time working at my school’s Bal Mela event, I believe it was a tremendous learning opportunity for me. The event offered a venue for children from public schools to participate in a variety of sports and activities, and my task was to manage a game in which players had to play Dodgeball and Basketball.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Identifying my own talents and places for development was a crucial learning experience for me. I saw that my strength was talking with individuals from all backgrounds, since I was able to explain the game rules in a clear and interesting manner. Yet, I saw that I needed to improve my ability to manage huge groups of people. Managing a huge number of participants was difficult for me, but the experience helped me acquire new abilities in event management.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

Another key CAS learning outcome that I displayed was the ability to take on difficulties while developing new abilities. It was a difficult assignment to facilitate the game for the players since it needed me to think on my feet and adjust to the demands of the participants. This experience, on the other hand, helped me acquire new abilities in event management and communication that will be valuable in many facets of my life.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration with other volunteers was another valuable learning experience for me. I was able to keep the event running successfully by working with other volunteers. I identified each volunteer’s abilities and skillfully used them to create a seamless experience for the participants. I was able to reach my goals more effectively by working jointly, which was a significant lesson for me.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Furthermore, the Bal Mela event gave me the opportunity to connect with global concerns. I helped to create a more equal and just society by arranging an event that fostered inclusion and involvement among students from varied backgrounds. My efforts to promote social harmony through this event were admirable, and I am honored to have been a part of it.




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