Cleaning mountains

During my CAS project, our group discovered that there was a lot of garbage and land pollution in nature. Funugni Tilla is a very reserved a sacred place with only a few getting permission to go and trek there, yet some people threw garbage and polluted the land, which is very terrible thing to do. So me and thr group decided to clean as much as we can on our way down after the trek.

This wasn’t planned but why leave the nature dirty? We can clean it a preserve it for others to enjoy its beauty. Nature is best when it’s preserved, there we found many bags worth of garbage, the trekkers before us and with us did that so we decided to clean it.

The garbage was mostly plastic bags and wrappers of food items which polluted the land. Why did we decide to help nature? Alongside preserving the beauty of nature, there are many animals living there especially mules which are only found in mountain areas and mules are infertile. These animals have no sense and would eat anything which is dangerous for them, especially food wrappers because of the smell. And every mountaineering group uses mules so we didn’t want other’s trek’s to be hampered or the animals living theere as they’re a part of the nature.

Learning outcomes –

LO – 6 – We were able to identify a global issue and work on it which overall helped preserve nature a little more.

LO – 7 – We learned that carrying out my CAS project there were some of us littering too, which is unethical so we cleaned it up. We even cleaned other people’s mess as it would be unethical to not do so as we should leave the nature the way it was before humans.

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