creative writing

This was an creative task, where I had put up a goal for myself to write up at least 3 literature related pieces of different genres. which would further help me develop literature skills and grammar skills. And at the same time, develop thinking skills for creating literary crafts.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. while writing, there were few challenges faced like, firstly putting down the thoughts on the paper (conveying the same message as it is), exploring new genres which didn’t fit in my comfort zone… moreover, throughout the whole process, I also learnt few skills for writing creatively like putting down the literary techniques in different types of texts (poems and stories)..

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth. This was done through writing on different types of topics and genres which I was comfortable with. After which I improved the writing skills and developed several areas of growth in different genres which were a little difficult to write on or even different forms of writing such as apostrophe, long stories and/or wrote on subjects like philosophy.

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