
This was an creative task, where I had put up a goal for myself to draw and paint 4 drawings. which would further help me develop skills in drawing which includes knowledge for colour, composition, perspective, realistic brush work. And at the same time, develop thinking skills for creating artworks.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. while painting and drawing there were few challenges faced like, firstly putting down the imagination on the paper through creative and realistic illustrations which then was needed to be painted (gaining the knowledge of colour, making new tints and shades through those available) seeking help of an expert (art teacher).

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth. This was done through developing new skills and techniques throughout the journey of learning how to paint and draw. Because my mother is an architect, I took her help for the composition and gaining knowledge for colours. After which, I worked on the art skills, I had to improve on and/or also put in the efforts of constructing a full-fledged artworks which included learning the construction of lines, figures, shapes, texture and perspective of a drawing through different types of point of views.

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