CAS project

In our CAS project, we planned to keep a food stall at the garba fest event in our school during the month of october, in the the festival of Navratri. We kept few beverages which included ice slushes, lemonade and fruit punches as well. The fest happened for consecutive two days. And then whatever profit gained during the school fest, was then donated to a non governmental organization which catered to donating human milk to the needful children in the society.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a cas experience/ project. This was demonstrated during the planning of the stall about distributing roles, managing people around the table, initiating the profit earned and donating it to the organization for a good cause (spending the money/ profit). Also how will we work together in a group or how will be contribute to the team for the cas project which includes all the 3 components (activity, service and creativity).

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. We as a group, recognized our skills and our strong points, according to which we distributed the tasks for the project. example, the one who was good with numbers, mathematics and who was creative took care of the posters made for the stall, and kept count of the money received and given and/or eve managed the financial part of the group. At the same time, the onne good with making the products, buying was providing with that service and one of them marketing the product to the audience and/or even managing the customers present at the stall all at once.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. In the group, we made a list for the strengths and weakness each group member has and divided/ distributed the work according to that. Which included making of the food, creatively persuading customers through posters and knowledge of IB business studies, managing the financial part (finalizing the prices for the products sold, keeping it with the money earned..)

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