CAS Experience 9 – Learning to ride Wave board

I’ve discovered that utilizing a waveboard is an excellent way to move over short distances and to exercise lower body muscles, notably the calf and thighs. I have classified this undertaking as an exercise component of CAS since riding a waveboard promotes a better lifestyle.

My primary aim in riding the waveboard was to stay on it for at least 5 minutes. My secondary goals included doing figure eight turns in a limited space and learning how to apply brakes on the waveboard without crashing to the ground.

I’ve discovered that utilizing a waveboard is an excellent approach for short-distance movement and a useful instrument for working lower body muscles, notably the calf and thighs. Because riding a waveboard contributes to a healthy lifestyle, I have classified this attempt as an exercise component of CAS.

My major aim when riding the wave board was to stay on the wave board for at least 5 minutes. My secondary aims were to do figure-eight spins in a small space and to learn how to apply brakes on the waveboard without falling to the ground.


I addressed learning outcome 4 by carrying out this task. I had to show a lot of tenacity and grit at first since I kept falling off the waveboard. I had a lot of trouble climbing on top of the waveboard at the start of my adventure. I also had problems keeping my stability and velocity on the waveboard, which is critical for good waveboarding.


I exhibited learning outcome 7 by riding the wave board only for short distances, such as to the local sport store or grocery store. However, due to the present lockdown situation, I was unable to ride my wave runner after 10:00 p.m. Furthermore, I was anxious about my health and safety since I may damage myself seriously if I fell onto the tar roads. As a result, before riding the wave board on the streets, I considered ethics in a roundabout way.

The learner profile I developed as a result of this event is brave since I learned how to ride a waveboard despite the potential for injury if I fell off the waveboard. Furthermore, I displayed the learner profile care by riding the wave board for short distances as an alternative to driving or riding a motorcycle because the wave board is an eco-friendly method of transportation and helps me build the physical power of my lower body.

Overall, I would consider this exercise a success because I learned how to ride a waveboard without crashing for 5 minutes. Furthermore, I am now confident in my ability to ride the wave board on both rough and smooth terrain, and I will use those talents to go short distances whenever possible.

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