Design And Branding Course With Kellogg’s

In the design and branding course, I learned about different types of designs and the three aspects of design, the connection between design and branding. The course was of 15 days. I learned about brands and their personality, discussed the goals of branding, and learned ways to achieve them. I learned about different types of packaging and their functions, learned how to communicate with a design, and the elements used for it. I learned the principles of design. In the end, I learned how to use Photo pea which is an app used to create packaging. The project for me was to create packaging for Kellogg’s.

From this experience I achieved four learning outcomes which are and why did I achieve them:-

Learning Outcome 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The challenge I took up while doing this course is learning about a whole new concept about how to build a package differing every consumer, for example making a package that attracts, and writing about the advantages so the adults get attracted to it. A new skill I developed during this course is that I learned how to use Photo Pea which is used to design a package.

Learning Outcome 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

In the course, every day we used to learn something new which is required to make the package and I used to plan a new way to design my package including all the aspects and planned about how I was going to present my idea of the package to my team and the supervisor.

Learning Outcome 4 – Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

In the course, I had to show my commitment to designing the package since it was really important for the course and it would be incomplete without it. It consumed most of my time during those 15 days and I had to show commitment and perseverance to building the package and branding it.

Learning Outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

The skills I achieved during this course are related to the designing of a package and how to use a new app, I also learned how to work in a team, as we had to design a package for Kellogg’s. Doing the task collaboratively had its own benefits: we divided the work and helped each other where we needed it and understood the task much better as the work was divided, we didn’t feel burdened.

Conclusion –

In this course, I gained an understanding of how to design and brand a package and a product, and what are the functions, pros, and cons of a brand. I also learned how to work in a team and gained the skill of using an app to design a package.

Evidence - Certificate


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