ISSO Event Volunteer

The ISSO (International Schools Sports Organization) football tournament was held at Fountainhead School. I volunteered to help manage it. I helped plan the social event and was also sent to different venues to help guide the students from different schools to keep everything flowing smoothly.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Throughout the event I noticed a weakness about me, which was that sometimes when I tried to help direct the students, some of the students did not listen to me and I would have to get the help of another volunteer. Now that I know about it, I feel that if I work on it my confidence in numerous situations will increase. I can work on it by trying to increase my presence among other groups of students. 

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging thing was having to go to different venues when a teacher needed us. It was very challenging because sometimes when we got to a venue, the teacher would need us back almost immediately. I overcame this challenge by working together with the other volunteers to organize who goes to what venue ourselves. This was an important thing to overcome because i can use this skill in the future to organize myself.


LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I organized myself by making a plan. Usually im not a organized person because i dont use plans. It was more difficult to plan the event rather than initiating it because after we had planned it, initiating it was easy because we just followed the plan. Its important to know how to plan and initiate because if we don’t know how to do these things, when we try to organize something big such as the ISSO event, we are going to have many problems or may even fail.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I needed to show commitment and perseverance because things such as the timing of the event, which was the week prior to exams, made it difficult for me to come willingly to volunteer. The commitment I managed to make was that I was able to study whilst volunteering at the same time. It’s not easy for me to commit to something but the requirement of both exams and volunteering made me need to demonstrate commitment.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working with others is generally easy for me. In this event working with others was easy because it allowed me to participate in volunteering easily. Its important to work with others because when you do this, you are getting the input of everyone else and that generally allows for the best outcome. The importance of someone taking leadership was that if there was no leader, all the venues would have not gotten the required help from the volunteers which would have led to a lot of problems.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
The ISSO organization helps underpriveledge kids gain access to a different pathway of sports. I am taking part of the initiative they are going for by volunteering for a event that is part of their Organization.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Volunteering at ISSO allowed me to witness the diverse participation of students, emphasizing the importance of fair play and inclusivity. Acknowledging the ethical dimensions of my choices, I strived to ensure a supportive and respectful environment for all participants.

The learner profile attributes I worked on were open-mindedness, risk-taker, thinker, and principled. The highlight of the event was the social event because it was fun planning it but it was even more fun participating in it. I feel I achieved success in completing the experience but I have also seen and acknowledged the areas in which I can approve. 

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