Mt.Abu- Trekking

I went to Mt.Abu for an educational school trip. I have done trekking before and realized that they aren’t my cup of tea. I was very hesitant at first because in the itinerary the tracks seemed pretty long with very early wake up times. But the experience of the trip was amazing. Being with friends and away from technology for 4 days helped me in numerous ways.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth:
I have never liked trekking or waking up early and exercising,but I was able to wake up every morning with much enthusiasm and participate in warm up activities. Even on treks, even though not the first one, I was able to complete all the treks which helped me understand the importance of health and fitness.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Trekking and caving in itself was a challenge for me, which I was able to complete successfully, moreover there we had to share a tent amongst eight people. I have always loved my privacy and do not like sharing rooms, but this helped me learn the skills of sharing and accommodating with different people. It helped me to become more adaptable and patient.
We also went to the local market on the last day where we could roam around and buy things if we wanted. Even though my mom had given me enough money to spend, being the one with money in hands brought a sense of responsibility on how rationally i spend my money. I learned how to be more responsible towards spending money and being responsible about taking care of myself.

LO4: Show commitment and Perseverance in CAS experiences
As mentioned earlier I don’t like trekking and hiking, due to which I had considered backing out of the trip a few times. SInce I had already given the form and committed to my friends on joining them I went on trip. Even after reaching there I thought of skipping the second day trek which was 11 km long, but I eventually ended up doing it and it was an amazing experience.

Learners profile attribute I took from the experience:

Risk-takers: On the last day we did Caving in the morning. This was something I had never done before and was terrified of doing. I almost did not do it but in the end my friends encouraged me, and I completed caving.

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