Event coordinator for FS Got Talent event

“FS got Talent ” was an event organized for students of fountainhead school to showcase their talent. This event was organized by students of grade 11 and I was one of the 4 other student organizers. This was the first ever kind of event in the fountainhead schools. The event organizing team was divided into 3 parts and each part was responsible for different aspects. The team included the decoration team, advertising team, and the main head organizing team which controlled the overall event planning; This all included forms, Advertising through posters and other graphics, the flow of the event, and performance categories. The event planning started on 22 July 2022 and ended on the day of the event 20 August 2022. The reason behind being a part of this event was that I personally like organizing events and working in teams. This event especially allowed me to work with my school colleagues and organize a school event. For us, this event mainly focused on team collaboration and the execution of ideas, but we also had to manage our time such that it did not interfere with our tight academic schedule. I personally worked on helping with posters for the advertising team and more on the event process and flow of the event.

LO 1- Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Organizing this event helped me to understand what are my preferred areas of strength and in what areas I lack certain skills. As I am good with planning any flow of an event or function, I took the responsibility of deciding upon the sequence of the performance and how it would roll out from the start. I also had to make sure that the sequence is such that the audience does not start feeling bored with the performance. However, at the start I found that I am not so good at decorating certain events and this event was one of them, so the responsibilities of decoration were taken by other coordinators. But during the event planning, I was given the responsibility of making the advertising poster, for which I took help from my fellow coordinator, and later I found that I was a bit good with the graphic elements but needed a little experience.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Considering this was my first school event that I was about to organize and on top of which the amount of work that had to be done in a small amount of time made it a challenging process; not only for me but even for other coordinators. But as we proceeded with the planning I learned about event management skills, I learned how to interact with other stakeholders of the event and I learned how to work with a team with people you barely know; As I barely knew about the other students who were aboard with me. Moreover, I further developed my time management skill and came to understand the efforts that have been put in by someone in any event. I was sure that this skill would be in use for my future project.

LO 3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Knowing about the time during which we would have to plan this event, would be clashing with some of my important out-of-school assessments, external events, and work. I had to plan a lot of things beforehand so that I would be able to work and give in some significant effort rather than figuring out what to do. This planning was the base on which I was able to be a part of the event planning. On the other hand, I had to change my study time for the event but it wasn’t such a big thing considering it was just the start of term.

LO 4- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

As one of the first-ever kinds of events in the history of our school, our school coordinator, process organizer, and even my friend had expectations for this event. All this meant that the event had to be up to their mark and for this, it required commitment from the event planning team and perseverance from each member to have this event flow without any problem or fault. At first, there were some issues with the planning of the venue and performance category but fortunately, before things could go wrong, I got back on track and focused more on the planning of the event with more perseverance stopping me from making any more mistakes. I came in early with the other coordinators to work with the teachers and other school coordinators and even worked on holidays as our whole team was committed to the event; wanting it to be a success.

LO 5- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Working in coordination with the team was the best choice that everyone took individually. I and my other 3 coordinators decided to divide up the work based on strength and likeness so that while organizing the event we would be out of enthusiasm and come up with quality work. However, at one point there was a lack of teamwork which led us to miss a few deadlines but we reworked on those weak links and came back with all our work done within the deadline for the event to go smoothly. Communication was also a big part of the event planning as working with different teams meant taking in daily updates and working with the participants and their problems. At last, teamwork helps the event to go smoothly and perfectly.


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