BB club band performance

In the starting of august I was given a wonderful opportunity by Mayank sir to perform in a then new club named “Black bunny”.With my band we sat and brainstormed about the different songs that we could perform.It was our first actual performance in front of a live and comparatively larger audience.Prior to this we would always rely and be dependent on the teachers to set things up for us, like the sound system and the and which type of sound to use and when to use different types of songs. Some help was provided but majority of the work was done by us.We had to reach to the venue 2 hours before the performance which justifies the number of things that goes in making a performance good for the audience.

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth

During the time period and during the time of the performance I identified one of my strengths which was to be a leader, and also prove to be  reliable when work is assigned to me.Our performance was on the 13th of august and I was just informed about it just 3 days prior to the performance.I relayed this information to my band, arranged for times we can practice in the class when there is minimal crowd.I even communicated with Mayank sir and Dhruv Sir about the instrument we will be needing in the performances.Apart from that I even suggested songs to my band which we could play and the songs which the audience would love.Being a people person I had some idea about the people’s choices of music and I didn’t hesitate to express my ideas, showing the qualities of a leader.It was important for me to know my strength so that I use these strengths from time to time, not just in music but apply it in my life too.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the challenges that me and my band faced the smooth conduct of the performances.It was our first time performing in a well-known place and that too with minimal help.Naturally we all were extremely nervous when we saw the crowd coming in.But we help our nerves and played our music and stayed calm.There were instances when the audience felt out of the song or weren’t showing interest, at that moment I used creative and critical thinking skills to select songs which the audience would enjoy and vibe to.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I am generally good in working with people as I can easily contribute to the team and help them.I feel like when I work with a team I prove to be more productive instead of when I work alone.I contributed to the songs,the sequence of these songs,the instruments that we were going to need etc.

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