Creative mela volunteer

LO 2 : Creative mela is an event that is held annually at our school to promote creativity amongst students wherein they learn new skills. The activities are taught by students to students. I was in charge of teaching calligraphy along with one other volunteer. I had never done proper calligraphy before so this was a new learning experience for me as well where I got to learn the new skill from my partner who had previously learned calligraphy. Even though I wasn’t even close to perfection I still learned something new and creative which is what matters the most. 


LO 5: Along with teaching we also helped with the decoration for the event, everyone worked together to put everything together, there were several conflicts and last minute changes and hustles that had to be dealt with in a calm manner. Also as teachers we had to maintain our composure and not lose our temper while dealing with children. It can often be frustrating when someone isn’t listening to you or misbehaving but it is important to reason with them and remain patient. At the end of the day, the event was fruitful because of the work everyone had put in together. 

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