Bal mela

An event where we connect with different children from different schools and environments. Through this event, our aim is to provide happiness and joy. I chose to do tattoo making in bal mela. During the process, I came across different situations and views.


Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

While making tattoos and giving happiness to all the most important was teamwork as we were less compared to the number of young children who had a charm in their eyes when they came to us and wanted something on their skin which makes them happy. To attend to a maximum number of students we had to team up and help each other instead of doing it independently. There was a situation where a whole group wanted a lion tattoo but only one person knew how to do it so we learned on that point and helped by doing base, and details. So I would do the base then he would outline and composition and one didi would add details like eyes and mouth. So it saved our time and make work more efficient.

LO :1

Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

I knew I am good with hand tattoos which include making butterflies, plants, cats, and flags but writing names and doing face tattoos was new for me which I did during the BAL mela. I got to know that I have to improve my outlines and be more confident in what I am going a do as one time it’s on one hand or face I can’t change it. So, while doing some new elements and animals I had never tried before I messed up but it was not as big as I couldn’t fix at the moment I knew that I have trained my hand and brain to coordinate more when I am doing skin rather than on paper. As while doing it on paper I can undo it or throw it but when it’s on someone’s skin I can not do anything.


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