FS-Bal mela(Creativity )

We simply wanted to share one of our days with impoverished kids so they may have a happy and productive day because they don’t have many other alternatives for amusement. There were about 50 activities, including football, basketball, a three-legged race and many more, for the students from a government school who spent a few hours at our school. As a volunteer, it was my responsibility to help in a three-legged race where  we need to make pairs and tie there one leg of player 1 and player 2 and they have to run to the finish line and whoever wins will get a reward (pencil, color, scale).

LO1: Overall I am an extrovert person but communicating with them was a little bit hard as don’t know Gujarati. I had a fantastic time at this event. I got along well with the kids and they all seemed glad to have visited my booth.

LO4: We had to prepare the materials, such as fabric and prizes for the activity before the kids showed up. It was easy for me to manage my career since I am a naturally organized person. As a result, I will find it easier to engage with children in the future and give them clear directions. Understanding how to arrange events is crucial because, without it, there would be chaos and no clear directions for the kids taking part. Also, it assists us in anticipating future issues, providing us ample time to create a backup strategy.

LO6: The fundamental right to childhood is regularly denied to children. Poverty has contributed to this, and we were able to provide the kids a day when they could take part in all of these activities where we put a focus on high-quality education thanks to this experience. In order to solve the worldwide problem of malnutrition and end hunger, we also provided them with food.

Skills developed: Communication skills, as I was able to interact with the students by using the new language for me which I only understand and can’t speak(Gujarati) but as many students I interacted I was able to clear the game in Gujarati as I know what to speak to them.


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