School event (Literacy day)

International Literacy Day is celebrated annually on September 8th to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and to promote literacy as a human right. The theme of International Literacy Day changes each year to reflect the current challenges and opportunities in promoting literacy. The ultimate goal of International Literacy Day is to improve literacy rates and empower individuals and communities to reach their full potential.

Because of my CAS experience, I now have a better understanding of a burning problem. This CAS experience has taught me that by promoting literacy, we can ensure that everyone has access to knowledge, can participate in society, and may follow their aspirations. During the course of this event, I developed various learner profiles which are open-minded and communicator, open-minded was developed as I showcased and appreciated the openness to the cause and accepted a range of points of view from others. Communicator was developed as I understood and communicated ideas and information confidently.

Learning Outcomes:

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

When preparing for the event, I came to understand how important it was to work as a team. Without working together with all the other volunteers, it would be impossible to ensure that everything goes as planned. As a result, I knew I needed to work collaboratively and put myself forward in order to be heard, which is an important life skill to master.

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The opening of this event was fraught with difficulties, as were the distribution of tasks among the volunteers for the last day and other issues that caused difficulty for the event organizers. It was challenging for me to handle the camera and record the video for the final day presentation because rapid videography was a new experience for me. Through hands-on experiential learning, I overcame this issue and honed a number of skills, including collaboration and communication, during the course of the entry event.

LO-4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Most of us have trouble sticking to our goals because we are inconsistent. Things always seem to get in the way, so we put things off, get lazy, and lose focus. I showed tenacity and dedication to the task of volunteering and filming, which required us to go and manage the classroom that was assigned to us and capture various classroom segments for the last day of the project.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Coordination was crucial because I worked with my classmates. Based on our expertise, we divided the tasks, and we did a good job of cooperating. Working as a team wasn’t difficult because most of us shared the same goal of making literacy day a success; nevertheless, there were some problems along the way when certain people didn’t contribute enough or help the event organizers, which were later rectified. Teamwork was crucial given the voluntary workload we had to manage that day.

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