For this CAS component, I tried to include an activity for which I can look into the various benefits of a healthier lifestyle. It has been a long time since I have wanted to start cycling as I used to do during the lockdown.Cycling is one out of those physical activities which I have always enjoyed doing.It not only helps me improve my physical health but gives me mental space to recollect my thoughts.I usually tend to listen to music while cycling and at the same time it is an opportunity for me to work on my lower body strength and endurance. To achieve my requirements, I decided to go cycling on the weekends to help me incorporate another physical activity into my lifestyle.Starting with cycling has inspired me to work more on my body and fitness inspiring me to continue with the activity for as long as I can.Indulging myself in this part of the day not only helped me fill my CAS requirements but helped me to shift my lifestyle to a more better,productive and a healthier one.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The main thing I had to focus over here was to look for my strengths and weaknesses.Even though cycling is a very simple sport which does not actually require any professional training,I had to record my strengths and for that I used a tracking device in my phone to keep order of my heart rate and cycling rate.One of which included my endurance and stamina, which I soon realized that I need to work upon, and I could achieve this by increasing my cycling time with each session and starting with a slow and steady speed and then increasing it with sessions and time.

LO2 -Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Initially, I have not always been a physically active person as I did not enjoy such activities.However,cycling has given me a motivation to increase my level of fitness.Going cycling for longer distances was a challenge because of having very low stamina but now after going regularly I have been able to overcome through this challenge and cycling for longer distances seems to be an easy task.I also had to keep hydration in mind.

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

By managing my time,allotting time for cycling as part of my physical well-being.The activity required planning as I had to fit it in my schedule along with the other submissions and task I had planned for the weekends.I also needed to plan my course of action to help me keep a track of my progress,to see where am I lacking behind and and which areas have I improved upon.A plan was required to help me know how is my progress going and to maintain the regularity in the activity. 

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

It was important and only justified if I showed full commitment to this experience because only if I commit would I be able to see the desired change.Commitment was the key for this CAS experience as it showed how enthusiastic I was to bring the change that I desired.Perseverance was necessary as it took quite a sessions of cycling for me to improve. Having set a reminder helped me stick to the experience and helped me have a better physical lifestyle. 

LO5 –  Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Although I know that cycling is a one person physical activity, I discovered that going cycling with a company helped me go beyond my limits by not getting bored and tired easily.I usually went cycling with my friends who helped me push my limits so that I can achieve the results I want, faster.They motivated me to stay consistent and committed to the activity.


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