WordPress Website

I wanted to build a professional website which would showcase my coding projects, about myself, and about my interest towards coding. I had 2 choices, to build a website through pure coding and building the website using wordpress. I chose building it through wordpress because it was more convenient and I could put more time on building the website rather than building the structure, positioning, etc. through coding, and the result would also look more professional and aesthetically appealing by building it through wordpress. Another reason to build the website was to express my feelings and opinions in the form of blogs on various topics, especially coding, as I aspire to become a coder. Therefore, I started the journey!


LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) – I already had experience of website development as I have built many projects which I have showcased in the wordpress website, therefore I was aware how the process of it works and how and what a professional website looks and feels like. However, the area of growth was in terms of the aesthetics of the website and the time-management between my studies and the experience.


LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken) – The challenges were mainly based upon finding time to build the website, and in the front-end of the website. Additionally, one more challenge was that as I was new to building websites on wordpress, I was not aware about all the potential functionalities that wordpress provided which would benefit me if I had used them from the beginning. Therefore, this journey developed my knowledge about using wordpress as well.


LO4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience) – I was committed towards developing this website because my goal was not just to make a normal website, however to outdo and challenge myself by creating one of the best websites I could create. Therefore, I finded time every day to at least work upon some of the functionalities and therefore create one of the best wordpress websites.


LO6 (Engagement with issues of global significance) – This CAS experience isn’t just limited to creating a website however extends to posting some blogs as well. Therefore, after creating a website I posted several blogs which were connected to globally significant problems such as climate change, future of artificial intelligence, and poverty. Simultaneously, contributing to a global cause.


In conclusion, this CAS experience of beach cleaning has developed learner profiles such as inquirer because I had to learn how wordpress functions, open-minded and communicator because I wrote and contributed to issues that are globally significant, and reflective because I used my knowledge of website building to streamline the process.


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