Bal Mela

On 25 January 2023 I participated as a volunteer at the Bal Mela 2023 which took place at our Fountainhead School. The event aimed to provide underprivileged children from over 17 schools with the opportunity to dance, play team games and have fun. I had volunteered in Bal Mela and taught the students that how to play Dog in the bone and other games.

  • LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
    My strengths are that I can manage a huge group of people together and guide them we planned that how many students at a time and how many centres we can keep for playing like we a centre in which 20 students were divided into 2 groups so the 20 students can play together dog in the bone and we had 2 centres for dog in the bone. But I need to work upon on my speaking skills or Gujarat because I am not so good in speaking Gujarati.
  • LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
    Bal Mela was my first experience where I was going to teach to kids new things. I had no experience of teaching kids I had never done that before so this was a new experience for me. I was a bit scared because my friends told me that these students not listen to us but this was not true. But it was not true it was quite interesting talking to all students. Now I will always participate in these types of event. The Bal Mela involved significant effort and I encountered difficulties due to the language. Since not all children shared a common language and we had to devise an alternative approach.I was able to manage all the kids and all the things went in a good manner Although I was unable to speak Gujarati, I could comprehend the language and I had the assistance of didi to communicate with them.
  • LO5 Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively
    Collaborating as a team made our task more manageable and we were able to handle the children effectively as we worked together I showcased my collaboration skills and realised the advantages of teamwork. I usually find it effortless to work with others as I believe that collaborating can give better results and outcomes compared to working alone.
  • LO6 Demonstrate engagement with issue of global significance
    Bal Mela was organised to provide underprivileged children with access to experiences that they deserve but may not typically have because they are not educated and do not have basic needs. It is important to strive towards creating a society where every child has an equal opportunity to succeed. These kids had a great experience and learned new different things and I will always encourage everyone to take part in these types of events contributing to making world a better place to live in.I developed new skills like management to manage all the children’s, I was also kind with them and we cannot experience these things every day. I faced communication problem but that was also solved and I got to know the importance of working together in a group.

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