Learning Keyboard

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved music. The melodies and rhythms have always made me feel alive and inspired. For my CAS journey, which is all about being creative and gaining new experiences, I decided to do something special. I didn’t want it to be just a project; I wanted it to be an unforgettable experience. That’s why I chose to learn something new – how to play the keyboard. This blog will take you through my simple yet exciting adventure as I dive into the world of music and discover the joy of creating melodies.

  1. Learning Outcome 1 (LO 1 – Increase Your Awareness of Your Own Strengths and Areas for Growth): In the process of learning the keyboard, I became more aware of my strengths (such as determination) and areas for growth (like patience) as I tackled the challenges of mastering a new instrument.
  2. Learning Outcome 2 (LO 2 – Undertake New Challenges): Learning to play the keyboard was a significant new challenge for me, pushing me out of my comfort zone and encouraging me to explore the diverse world of music, which directly connects with the title of my CAS blog, “Exploring the Melodic Realm.”
  3. Learning Outcome 4 (LO 4 – Show Commitment to and Perseverance in Your Activities): My commitment and perseverance in practicing the keyboard were evident throughout my musical journey, as I set and achieved goals, sought guidance, and continued to improve, which aligns with the dedication highlighted in the blog’s title.

In conclusion, my CAS experience of learning to play the keyboard has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has allowed me to grow as an individual, discover new talents and interests, and develop skills that will stay with me for a lifetime. Through self-awareness, embracing challenges, and demonstrating commitment and perseverance, I have not only learned to play an instrument but have also gained valuable life lessons that will serve me well in the future. Learning the keyboard has truly been a harmonious journey of personal and musical growth.

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