Gym training – Activity

I used to work out at home but then stopped due to a lack of motivation, resulting in no progress. However, I wanted to become fit, and after learning about the benefits of working out regularly on one’s health, I became extremely motivated this year to make a positive change in my health and body. This experience changed my life because I now exercise every day and plan to do so even after I reach my initial goal.

LO1 – I prioritized evaluating my weaknesses and opportunities for growth. This was accomplished by performing a BMI scan as well as additional scans. This allowed me to customize my workout routine to my body type. For example, the test revealed that I had a low muscle mass, pushing me to enhance my weight-training workout. On the other hand, I got to know that I have a low body fat percentage, hence, I could allow doing less cardio.

LO2- The most difficult problem I faced was not losing motivation to go to the gym every day, but rather sticking to a clean and healthy diet. I had to learn to avoid distractions from junk food and stay focused on my aim. When I went out with friends or family, it was pretty tempting to break my diet. Or, on many occasions, I was so mentally or physically exhausted that I lost motivation to go to the gym. However, with time, I learned how to control my cravings and even allowed myself a few cheat meals per month. I have learned the importance of proper form and technique when lifting weights, which has helped me prevent injuries and achieve better results. I have also learned how to structure my workouts effectively to achieve my fitness goals, such as focusing on different muscle groups and alternating between strength and cardio exercises. Through these challenges, I have learned that taking on new experiences and stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for personal growth. 

 LO 3 : As shown in the below images, creating an effective gym training routine required planning priorly as becoming fit and healthy overall requires a full gym routine which targets each muscle 2 times a week, and a diet plan in which the protein, carbohydrate and fat requirements get completed. Talking about gym routine, I segregated all the exercises that I could incorporate in my workout plan according to the muscle it targeted, its difficulty and its effectiveness. Then I chose the exercises which were a mix of easy and difficult and targeted both simple and compound muscles. Via this procedure, I was able to create an effective workout plan.

LO4- To attain my goal, I had to continually display dedication and determination throughout this journey, because working out is a daily practice that takes commitment. I showed perseverance by sticking to my workout plan even when I didn’t feel like it. I had to be disciplined and consistent in my approach, which was not always easy. I learned that it takes time to see results and that progress is not always linear. There were times when I hit a plateau, and it felt like I was not making any progress. But I continued to persevere, and eventually, I saw the desired results. I had to eat a nutritious diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly to see results and development.  Despite the challenges, I was able to stay committed during this journey. I am a stronger, healthier, and more psychologically focused person as a result of this experience. In addition, my mental health improved significantly, allowing me to focus more successfully than previously. It also showed me that pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones can lead to growth and development.


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