
My life has always involved cycling. Cycling has been my absolute favourite form of exercise for about 8 years. I don’t have much time to start riding again though because of my hectic academic schedule and additional employment. Cycling not only helps me stay active and healthy, but it also makes me feel lighter and more calm. I started riding again after choosing this experience for my CAS. Maximizing the length of time I could ride was my main goal during the treatment. Cycling increases strength and endurance. This might result in less body fat and stronger bones. even increasing joint mobility and boosting muscle flexibility and strength. We keep our fitness and health at lower levels of body fat. Health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, and lung problems are prevented by cycling.

LOs met:
LO1: Cycling is what I selected since I enjoy doing it. The weekend was a great choice since I would be able to wake up early in the morning to go cycling to have a new start for the day. During the week, however, I would be too busy with school and I would already be going to the gym every morning. Also, I often engage in physical activities that qualify me to ride over significant distances in a single session, but I wanted to challenge myself by setting a daily goal of 25 km. As I had cycled across a longer distance and for the first time in a very long time, the first few days were challenging. Hence, I identified my own strength which was strong muscles however I also realsied that I was having a little lesser stamina then my expectation.

LO2: I Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken while gaining new abilities as I encountered numerous problems because cycling around the city is not easy because there are cars and buses so we had to stop many times. Also, under extreme weather conditions like windy days and freezing cold mornings, it was extremly challenging to cycle for long duration of time.

LO4: I showed commitment and perseverance in CAS experience as I woke up at 5:00 AM on every weekends and cycled for atleast 20 kilometers which accumilated to the total of 170 kilometers of cycling in just 4 weakends. I also showed commitment in not missing cycling for a single time and push myself as hard as possible in order to achieve by targated disttance.

Overall, it was a secure and engaging experience where I developed my communication, planning, strength, and endurance skills. Because of how difficult it was on both a mental and physical level, I also developed discipline.

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