Community service – CAS Experience

I am a really privileged and lucky kid to get such good quality education with such good environment to live in and I am aware of the fact that there are a lot of unprivileged kids out their that don’t get such good opportunities as us. I am a very emotional person at heart and want to help people and give back to the community and this event is the perfect fit for me to give them back some lovely and unforgettable memories that will last with them forever.

Fountainhead had provided with different options/activities that we could choose from some of them were football, arts and craft and a lot more. FS had invited a nearby SMC school that did not have such great facilities as FS but the students were kind at heart.

The main goal of this event was to create a memorable time for the kids from SMC school and provide them with one of the best times of their life, We did this by having fun interactive activities like playing games, drawing with concepts (leaf drawing, Rock painting, hydro painting and other), Bonding with them, Make them feel comfortable and others.

This event not only gave them a sense of happiness but it also provided us with many valuable skills that we learned at FS like we worked as a group that also helped us bond with each other more, Make new friends, Have fun together, Being more disciplined also more determined to wake up on saturday and sunday to have a great time with these kids.

Learning outcomes

LO1-(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

I had always liked arts and crafts a lot but never actually tried it properly until this event. It gave me a chance to try it out for real. challenge that I faced was the language barrier, More specifically I know how to speak gujarati and hindi fluently but it’s when some words that I only know the meaning of in english but through the help of all the joy and my peers I was able to communicate properly while making sure not to make them feel left out.

LO2-(Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken)

challenge that I faced was the language barrier, More specifically I know how to speak gujarati and hindi fluently but it’s when some words that I only know the meaning of in english but through the help of all the joy and my peers I was able to communicate properly while making sure not to make them feel left out and was able to overcome challanges.

LO4-(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS Experience)

Although this event had a lot of challenges through this like we had to wake up early on our weekends to participate in this event as this event was only conducted on saturdays and sundays early morning. Waking up early on your weekends is not a big deal but still requires perseverance and commitment to put smiles on their faces. Also a big chunk of my time had been invested in this task so I had less time for my studies but still my dedication led me to balance all of my daily tasks.

LO5-(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Everyone that had participated in the community service weather it was a sport activity or arts and craft we all had to work in a given group, This had helped us get the most joy and learnings out of one another as if one peer doesn’t know what to do then some other peer can help him understand better and it was even better to create new friends as I was able to enjoy the activity a lot more with all my peers and the kids. Not only this but it also helps us control a huge group with ease.

In a nutshell this whole event made me really satisfied to say the least as I was personally able to be someone’s happiness and this drives me forward to do such amazing tasks in the near future.

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