Learn Pottery

I participated in a 2 day pottery workshop in the month of feb 2023 it was really enriching and I was able to show immersive creativity which allowed me to explore the world of clay artistry. Over these 2 days I delved deep into the realms of clay modeling which helped me create a captivating showpiece that symbolizes my journey throughout.

LO’s catered

2- Pottery is a very complex art and there is a lot to learn in it and by taking part in the workshop I was able to learn a new variety of tools and techniques. Also I challenged myself as I made a very complex piece consisting of 2 different pottery techniques that were modeling and carving so creating this piece required a variety of skills and overcoming challenges.

3- I initiated and planned the pottery workshop by researching different pottery workshops in my area, reading reviews, and selecting a workshop that was a good fit for my interests and skill level. I also contacted the workshop to learn more about their class schedule and fees, and to register for a 2 day class. Also throughout the pottery workshop, I demonstrated my ability to plan and organize my work as I came to class prepared with a clear idea of what I wanted to make, and I was able to effectively manage my time and resources.

4- Participating in the pottery workshop required a commitment of time and effort. I attended a few classes, each of which was 1.5 hours long. During each class, I worked hard to learn new techniques and to refine my skills. I also had to commit to completing my showpiece object, even though it was challenging and time-consuming.

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