CAS Experience 7 : Badminton IBSO

I participated in the IBSO Badminton event which was held in Bangalore. This event was a culmination of Badminton matches between all schools & institutions across India. I am not completely inclined towards sports, but I like playing badminton a lot. It helps me enhance my physical well being, and  improves my body & mind coordination and keeps me fit. Apart from that it gives me an outlet to maintain my balance. Hence I chose this event as an Activity for CAS.

This event explored the following LO’s

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was pretty confident in myself as a player, however I was a little nervous during the matches as everybody was observing our matches simultaneously with the others that were going on. Still I tried to play my best and also observing matches was advantageous to us so that we get a clearer idea of how matches are being held and the mistakes that we may not repeat in order to improve our chances of winning. Being observant helped me learn a lot more about the sport.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

This was a new experience for me as I was only a novice for the competition (ISSO), through which I faced challenges in the matches as there were tough competitors, but I still tried and played my best and gained so much experience and socialized with other players as well. And we as a school also used our social and communication skills to talk and work and help cheer and motivate each other.

LO3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

As this competition was held in Bangalore, the journey included a lot of traveling, checking in, taking care of ourselves, our peers, organizing our stuff independently and remaining safe and supervised throughout the trip. Hence it helped me enhance my self management skills and become more independent with the journey.

Lastly I used LP Reflective by analyzing my strengths and weaknesses and playing accordingly, being an effective communicator throughout the trip and also being principled and showing integrity while playing matches. This trip was a very fruitful experience, I met a lot of people, made memories together and gained good experience that helped me evolve as a learner.

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