Rubix’s Cube Club

I have been interested in Rubix’s cube since my childhood, yet I never took the initiative to learn how to solve one. When I heard there was a Rubix’s Cube club in school, I was sold. Through the club, I learned the 2×2, 3×3, and 5×5 cubes, along with the mirrored cube. Throughout my journey, I have experienced personal growth, developed new skills, and formed strong bonds of friendship.

LO1 – (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

As I did not know how to solve any cubes, initially I was challenged. However, with the help of my peers, I learned new skills and developed an interest in puzzles. I found areas where I could improve more, such as logical and rational thinking, by learning how to solve different Rubix’s cubes. This can help me improve other skills essential to life.

LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

The challenge I undertook was learning how to solve the different cubes. It was challenging at first, as I had no clue how to even get started. Slowly, with the help of the founder of the club and my friends, I learned how to solve the 3×3 cube. By undertaking this challenge, I obtained better logical thinking, adaptability, and reasoning.

LO4 – (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

There were many deadlines and projects due alongside the club. However, I showed commitment by still participating in every session of the club and learning how to solve the cubes. Despite upcoming exams and deadlines, I attended every class out of my passion for learning how to solve Rubik’s cubes.

LO5 – (Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively)

Working together can greatly decrease the time to achieve a particular skill or goal as the workload can be distributed. In the club, learning from other attendees and the organizer helped me better understand the different cubes, which eventually helped me solve the cubes. I learned the 5×5 cube completely from one of my friends in the club, as he was taught by the club organizer. This reduced the time and effort required to teach each member of the club how to solve the Rubik’s cubes.

In conclusion, learning to solve these cubes was a fun activity as well as a catalyst for increasing personal growth. The club has deepened by friendship as well. I am excited to teach others my skills and take the learnings further into life, especially skills such as rational thinking and problem-solving. I am glad I was part of this club, as I found the importance of collaborative work and puzzles.

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