Awarness campaign unit reflection

The problem that I have chosen is ¨Save Water and Clean Water¨. I have chosen this problem because water is a most wanting utensil from that we live so I wanted to spread awareness that please everyone save water as people are wasting water in the form of ice bucket challenges, washing dishes with running water, Taking long baths, using leaky pipes and many more reasons.People only know that there is 70% of water in the world but know one knows that there is only 2.5% of fresh water and globally we consume around 4 trillion cubic meters of fresh water a year.So you can imagine how much precious is our water.Thatś why people I wanted to spread awarness about the global issue.I am going to spread awarness by a video that is going to tell you the information.Everytime we can not do steert plays an all instead we can make videos/pictochart/graphs/sccript and more  and also we can get creative tools and ideas  that we can include and then we can share at differenrt apps (social media).Yes I was not aware of tools like sumopaint so I got to know many new tools.

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