Learning Bhangra

I learnt a new dance form “Bhangra”. I come from a punjabi family and our folk dance is bhangra. So I decided to learn bhangra which helped me not just learn a new dance form but also explore and learn more about my culture. I joined Downtown Bhangra, Surat’s well known and famous Bhangra Studio. I went to their classes for 3 months and learnt every single step of Bhangra. I also learnt how these steps were developed and which steps to perform according to the beats and songs.

LO:1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Knowing where I come from, I saw that I already knew a bit about Bhangra from watching my family dance at parties and weddings when I was younger. Because I’m really into Punjabi culture and love Punjabi songs, I felt a strong connection and was super committed to learning Bhangra. This experience helped me realize that knowing about my own culture is something I’m good at, and by putting in the effort to learn the dance, I showed that I’m serious about getting better at it.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I encountered initial difficulties when I began learning Bhangra, primarily due to lower stamina levels. Given that Bhangra demands significant energy and enthusiasm, this posed a challenge. Over time, I progressively improved my stamina. Despite facing ongoing challenges in executing certain dance steps due to physical limitations, I persevered. Overcoming these obstacles became an integral part of my journey, demonstrating my commitment to developing new skills in the process.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I started by looking for good dance schools and ended up joining Downtown Bhangra in Surat, which is famous for teaching Bhangra really well. To plan my CAS experience, I made a schedule for regular classes spanning three months, making sure I could fully grasp the details of Bhangra.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experience.

During my Bhangra learning journey, I showed strong determination and dedication. Even though I had some challenges like low stamina and difficulty with certain dance steps because of my physical limitations, I didn’t give up. I regularly went to classes, practiced a lot, and asked for help to get through these challenges. My commitment not only showed how much I wanted to master Bhangra but also demonstrated my ability to bounce back from tough situations. This experience had a big positive effect on me.

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