Community service

The school had organized this community service event for the students. I chose arts and crafts. Kids from different government schools came to our school for some activities, such as finger painting, origami, rock painting, and more. We were able to teach them how to do all this stuff and have fun. This experience counted as Service.

I am good at and like to do arts and crafts, which is why I took arts and crafts. I thought I could maybe teach my skills to other kids. Inequalities within and among countries can be one issue that is solved through this experience. This experience helps reduce inequality by providing children from disadvantaged backgrounds with access to educational resources and opportunities they may not otherwise have. By teaching arts and crafts, we are fostering creativity and entrepreneurship among the children. This can contribute to economic growth by developing their skills and empowering them to pursue artistic careers or use these skills in the future workforce.

Learning Outcomes:

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience: Throughout the community service event, I demonstrated perseverance and commitment by dedicating your time and effort to teaching arts and crafts to underprivileged children. I consistently showed up for the sessions, and I remained patient and supportive when teaching children who had varying levels of skill and comprehension.
LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: The project inherently encouraged collaboration among my schoolmates and with the children. Me and my fellow students worked as a team to plan and execute the arts and crafts sessions. Collaboration was essential in ensuring a safe and engaging environment for the children.
LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance: While the primary focus of the project was on teaching arts and crafts, it also had a broader impact related to global significance. By providing education and creative opportunities to underprivileged children, we addressed issues related to inequality in access to quality education. This is a global concern outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality). This experience indirectly raised awareness of the importance of education as a means to empower individuals and communities, aligning with global efforts to promote education as a fundamental human right.
LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions: In this experience, ethical considerations were integral as I recognized the ethical responsibility to support underprivileged children and provide them with opportunities for growth and development. By engaging in activities such as stone painting and leaf art, I encouraged an ethical awareness of sustainability and the environment, as using natural materials promotes responsible and ethical choices. My commitment to promoting creativity and education among children from disadvantaged backgrounds demonstrated a strong ethical stance toward addressing social inequalities and providing equal opportunities for personal development.

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