Swimming (Activity)

Being by myself in the water has always been a pleasant experience for me. When I swim, I not only find a way to get the cardio exercise I need for my physical well-being, but I also find a way to enjoy it. But I can also make sure I get some alone time, time to think about my many choices, thoughts, and opinions, and a lot of other things and activities that are necessary. After completing my numerous visits to the pool, I experience an odd sense of calm. Additionally, swimming is a very productive way to improve my muscle strength, endurance, long-term efficiency, and stamina.

Lo’s met during this CAS experience

LO- 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

When I first started swimming, I found that I was good at it and had a natural talent for it. However, I also realized that I had room for growth in certain areas, such as my speed and endurance. In order to work on these areas, I set goals for myself and gradually improved my swimming skills.

LO- 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Swimming is not an easy sport that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I pushed myself to swim faster and for longer distances, both of which were initially difficult for me. However, I was able to acquire new abilities and enhance my overall swimming ability with practice and perseverance.

LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I researched local swimming clubs and chose one that met my objectives and schedule to plan my CAS experience. I also made a schedule to make sure I went to all of my swimming sessions on time and set specific goals for each one. In addition, I worked with my swimming coach to develop an individual training program that would assist me in achieving my goals.

LO-4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Swimming is a requesting movement that requires discipline and responsibility. I exhibited steadiness by going to swimming meetings consistently, in any event, when I didn’t feel like it. I also kept working on my weaknesses until I got better at them.

LO-5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Swimming is certainly not a singular game yet requires cooperation and joint effort. I worked with other swimmers to improve my technique during my swimming sessions, and my coach gave me feedback. Additionally, I worked with my coach to create a training program that took into account both my strengths and weaknesses.

LO-6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Swimming has a lot of global problems, like pollution and not having access to clean water. I participated in beach cleanup event.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethical considerations like adhering to safety rules, respecting other swimmers, and following pool rules are necessary for swimming. To keep myself and those around me safe, I always made sure to follow these rules.

Conclusion- By and large, my CAS experience on swimming assisted me with fostering my swimming abilities, increment my perseverance, and get familiar with the significance of cooperation, determination, and security. Additionally, it assisted me in developing ethical considerations for my actions and engaging with global issues.

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