
Swimming is one of my favourite sports. I like swimming because it is just perfect for me. I prefer swimming because the benefits of swimming are better than other activities such as jogging/walking etc. Swimming helps maintain great fitness and keeps your heart healthy. I decided to improve my fitness and well-being by living a more active lifestyle; swimming was the way to go.

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled.

My strength in swimming is that I can swim very fast in short distances but I lack endurance meaning despite my best efforts I cannot swim continuously for more time. Swimming for a longer period of time will help me improve my health and fitness so I need to improve my endurance.

LO2-  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

There were a few challenges that I had to face. The first challenge was time management, I had to manage my time to make sure that I had enough time to study. I had a knee injury so I had to take care that I didn’t hurt myself while swimming. As a beginner, learning different styles of swimming was a great challenge but I knew that it would require a lot of practice to learn.


Commitment and persistence were necessary for the experience. Getting up early in the morning to get to the pool was difficult.  Swimming was difficult since the water was cold and I could not stay in the water for more than 60 minutes. Gradually I adapted and could stay in the pool for a longer period of time.


In conclusion, my swimming CAS experience taught me a lot about myself and the world around me. I learned that I am capable of more than I thought I was. I learned to push myself outside of my comfort zone and to never give up on my goals. I also learned the importance of teamwork and communication.

In addition to the physical benefits of swimming, I also experienced a number of mental and emotional benefits. Swimming helped me to reduce stress, improve my mood, and boost my self-esteem. It also helped me to develop new skills, such as time management, goal setting, and problem-solving. I also made new friends and became more involved in my community through swimming.


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