Participating in the ISSO Basketball tournament

I have been playing basketball since I was in 4th grade. At that time I wasn’t as passionate towards this sport as I am now. I have constantly improved my skills and therefore gotten selected in the team to go to play the ISSO as a representative of the Fountainhead School. I chose to go to the tournament not only because of my interest but also because it was a platform wherein I could showcase my skills and also get a chance to play for the IB nationals if selected. Moreover, I could also select this event as my CAS experience which was another reason for choosing to go to the ISSO tournament.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled: My strength was that I have been playing the sport for more than 8 years and this was my second time going to a ISSO so I already have experience of going to ISSO. However, the area of growth include that I would improve my skills in the position I play (i.e point guard), improving in tension management because playing in a tournament where people are constantly watching my game the adrenaline rush is very high, therefore it automatically elevates my tension management and my performance I am not playing with this much tension.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: The challenges were mainly to fit this event in my schedule and be able to perform my best. In this process, I developed or at least improved upon skills such as time-management, communication skills, self-management skills, and social skills.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience: I had to do a lot of planning because this event was happening very near to the Exams. Therefore, I had to complete my leftover submissions before going to this event and also study during the rest time provided after matches. Basically, I adjusted my whole schedule in order to go to this event and not miss any important deadlines as well therefore also showing the development of time-management skills.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience: I was committed to this CAS experience because my passion towards basketball. Moreover, I went to the tournament so that our team could win or at least that I could get selected and in order to do so I was determined towards performing the best of myself.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: Basketball is a team sport so if me and my team do not work collaboratively then there is no chance of us winning the tournament or even winning a single match therefore we had team meetings, enough practice with each other during practice sessions in school and knew each others strength and weaknesses in terms of basketball therefore, we worked collaboratively for this CAS experience.

In conclusion, this CAS experience was a very enjoyable CAS experience because during this event I was able to play basketball which I have interest in. Moreover, I got a refreshment during these days so that after going home I could continue preparing for my exams.


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