Awareness campaign unit reflection

  • What is the problem they have selected?: The problem I have selected is “Stop air pollution.”
  • Why have they chosen it?: I have chosen it because I wanted to make the people aware that we should not pollute the world. It harms. It destroys the water, the trees, etc. I wanted the people to know that they should not pollute but bring a solution.
  • How are they going to spread awareness?: I will spread awareness to people by making posters. By showing advertisements on T.V or Radio. By making videos. By making different things online, etc.
  • How digital tools acts as a medium in spreading awareness about your chosen issue? Any new experience of using different tools?: We can spread awareness by making posters on canvas, then making videos, making advertisements, etc. If we make this poster we can put it on road, If we make videos we can put it on youtube, And if we make advertisements we can put it on T.V so everyone can see it. But I used for spreading awareness to people. It is a video maker so I updated on youtube.

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