Let us be a Drug-Free country

In Design slot, we were told to choose a social issue and our whole unit will be dependent on it.We were also shown some images and we had a discussion regarding the same.

The issue I chose was drugs because it is something that is very dangerous and is spoiling the reputation of India.We are one those countries,which are consuming drugs.It is illegal to do so.Drugs also affect our health negatively.We get addicted to it,our mind starts getting unconscious and excessive use can lead to death.

This is an issue that has to looked upon very carefully and has to be paid full attention on.There are many campaigns also working for it.People are spreading awareness also like posters.I will spread awareness by publishing videos,showing infographics,etc.

As mentioned earlier,digitals tools can also help us.We can publish videos,ads,etc. Nowadays, ads are also shown before a movie starts conveying the message – No Smoking.The experience of using new digital tools was fun because I came to know that they enhance our videos as well.

To conclude,I just want to say that please help us in stopping the use of illegal drugs and be a drug free country.

Always remember this: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” -Nelson Mendela


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