
The Ageas Federal Life Insurance Mumbai Half Marathon is one of Mumbai’s most well-known running events. Another one is Stadium Run 3.0, presented by IDFC First Bank, which provides elite racegoers in Surat and the surrounding area with an outstanding running experience. The Ageas Federal Life Insurance Mumbai Half Marathon run included three distances: a 5 km (fun run), a 10 km, and 21.1 km (marathon). The 10 km and 5 km distances were available to all participants. I had the opportunity to participate in the 10 km, which helped me get more physically fit. The run for Stadium Run 3.0 was timed and offered in 2, 3, 5, and 7-hour options. However, since it was my first marathon, I chose 2 hours.

Learning Outcomes:-

LO:1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 

As I previously stated, I’ve never run very far—not even a kilometer—so now, jogging 10 kilometers seems like a huge undertaking. Since I was already aware of my poor speed and limited stamina, I didn’t set how many kilometers I would run for the first marathon; instead, my only objective was to complete it. To do that, I concentrated on jogging rather than running to build my endurance. My skills in running mechanics, pain tolerance, mental toughness, pace management, and healthy eating and hydration practices were my greatest strengths. Speed, endurance, heat training, and mental training—areas where I need to pay closer attention when running a marathon—were my areas for improvement. After running two marathons, I’ve learned that I need to concentrate on my areas of weakness, make reasonable goals, and practice patience to develop my growth areas.

LO:2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

I had never run more than 2 kilometers before, therefore it was my first time participating in a marathon. It was difficult to think about my potential and immune system while I ran for two hours for the first time ever. I was not prepared for running for two hours straight. I now understand the value of daily training and fitness maintenance; as a result, I should be able to run more than 10 kilometers with no difficulty. Physical, mental, and environmental challenges that I’ve taken on while learning new skills have helped me improve my physical stamina and endurance, as well as my mental toughness to persevere through pain and exhaustion, and my ability to adapt to various climatic conditions. Throughout the marathon, it’s crucial to keep fueled and hydrated since it helps me acquire the ability to control my nutrition and hydration.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Even though I am not someone who is particularly organized, I had to start and arrange my training according to my timetable to improve my performance the next time. I had to concentrate on raising my endurance level, so I planned how far and how long to run so that I could maintain for the entire time till I finished my planned distance. I also organized my day such that I could run, get up early, and prioritize eating nutritious foods over unhealthy ones. In the gym, I also prepared a few exercises for my leg day that would improve my running. Making such plans greatly helped me in tracking my development throughout the procedure. Understanding how to plan and begin tasks is essential since doing so makes it simpler for us to define and achieve our goals and for us to keep an eye on our time management skills.

LO:4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I had to prove I was committed to finishing the marathon because it wouldn’t be recognized. Considering my incapacity to run for two hours straight, committing was challenging, but I knew it was best for me and not for anybody else. And everyone who participated in the marathon encouraged one another, emphasizing the value of cooperation, and others inspired me. To complete a marathon, you must have both the physical stamina and the mental strength. I was able to push myself forward while having my doubts about finishing this task. I persevered in my efforts because I wanted to imagine myself as a more fit and healthy person, even though I typically had minimal academic commitments and frequently felt exhausted.

I was able to achieve the goals I had set, therefore the experience overall was fantastic. This experience’s learner profile shows a balanced and adventurous personality. I was in a balanced state because I recognized the value of a healthy mental and physical balance. I also came to understand the need to maintain a healthy balance between diet and exercise. Throughout this time, I balanced my schoolwork and exercise. I also demonstrated the ability to take risks because, without any training or experience, jogging 10 km poses a risk to my health because my body is not accustomed to such action. Overall, I had a good time with this event, which inspired me to run marathons more frequently.

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