Learning Korean

I rlly enjoy watching korean dramas and listening to korean songs and hence I thought it would be a great experience if I could learn basic korean so that I can read the letters and understand the language. This can help me in future as if ever I want to read korean, for example travelling to south korea, identifying song names, etc, I can read easily and understand.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

learning a new language is hard when you have grown up and not been taught about it since childhood. It was hard to grasp the letters and the way they were written. In his experience, I developed my language learning skills ( communication).

LO3:  Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I continued this experience for 3 weeks wherein I learned basic vowels and consonants, how words are pronounced when letters are arranged in a particular order and how to arrange the letters when writing anything in korean. I adjusted my schedule to add some mins of learning sessions.

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