Monsoon Musings

Monsoon Musings, a literary fest organised by FS, was a platform for me to share my love for literature alongside various other talented writers. It brought together people of different ages, different backgrounds and ones who used different languages; the one thing we all held in common was our love for literature. On the 3rd of September 2022, I along with other participants, shared our original literary works and poems. Participating in the event marked one of the most memorable moments in my life. I had the opportunity to engage with the works of fellow students, and the presence of special guests added an extra layer of fascination to the session. During the event, I played the dual roles of both speaker and listener. While I relished presenting my own piece, I equally cherished the moments spent absorbing the diverse voices and perspectives of others. This experience provided me with a valuable lens through which to explore and understand the thoughts, viewpoints, and life outlooks of fellow poets. It fostered an open-mindedness in me, expanding my awareness and appreciation for topics that had previously escaped my notice.

This event specifically addressed the creative component of CAS, focusing on the act of crafting an individual piece. It demanded not only thinking skills but also a substantial dose of creativity. Similar to other forms of art, there were no constraints; it was a realm without bounds. Emphasizing the diverse perspectives of various artists and poets, the event underscored the notion that creativity knows no rigid definition. Participants were free to express themselves limitlessly, and the absence of restrictions highlighted the wide-ranging ways in which artists and poets interpret the world and their surroundings.

The event catered to the following LOs:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth              

Given my strong affinity for literature, I delved into extensive research across diverse topics and engaged in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for my piece. It was paramount for me to ensure that the composition resonated authentically with my personal experiences, a principle I hold dear as a writer. To preserve a sense of intimacy, I opted for a simple rhyming style. Leaning on my existing writing experience, I successfully crafted the piece within a relatively short time-frame.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process   

Throughout my experience in crafting and presenting a piece, I unequivocally engaged with challenges that facilitated the acquisition of valuable skills. The primary challenge I encountered was the intricate process of writing a meaningful and personally significant piece. This demanded not only creative thinking but also perseverance and patience. The task pushed me to enhance my research and brainstorming skills, compelling me to explore a variety of topics to find one that resonated with me on a personal level. In addressing this challenge, I honed my interpersonal skills by effectively brainstorming and evaluating potential themes. This process not only refined my ability to connect with my own interests and inspirations but also fostered a deeper understanding of my own perspectives and values.

LO 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions             

As an author, I recognized the responsibility of upholding ethical standards in my composition. I ensured that the content was respectful, inclusive, and free from discrimination or harm, considering language choices and diverse perspectives. In presenting my piece, I was mindful of maintaining an ethical tone, avoiding disrespect or offense and creating an inclusive atmosphere. The ethical dimension extended to acknowledging the intellectual property of others by providing proper attribution during the research phase, adhering to principles of academic integrity and honesty.

The Monsoon Musings event contributed to the development of various learner profile attributes in me. I became more open-minded by appreciating personal histories, both my own and others’, while observing performances. I exhibited a willingness to grow from these experiences. Additionally, I demonstrated reflectiveness by contemplating the world, analyzing ideas and experiences, and assessing my strengths and weaknesses for personal development. Finally, I enhanced my communication skills by confidently and creatively presenting my piece before others. Not only did the experience help me grow but sharing and listening to works by other amazing writers only deepened my love for literature.

This event was very close to my heart, it inspired me to express myself and continue writing. I evolved as a learner as well as a writer. Monsoon musings made me more bold and confident, and gave me a new insight to life.


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