Making Beats

I always had a passion for music be it Rock & roll, jazz, classical, country, pop, or musicals. In this CAS experience, I wanted to make some of my beats as I love to make music and I wanted to make a prototype of my sound trap.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I love creating music and eventually, I started to realize that I am good with lyrics but I needed to develop my beat style and enhance them by doing revisions. So, I was determined to improve my beat style and make one prototype so I decided to take 15 – 20 minutes to make music and then I started to make revisions out of it to make my sound trap good enough to listen to.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The challenge was that I wasn’t able to get any useful sources for making my prototype and, hence got frustrated until my brother suggested one useful source for making beats. I was making the sound trap using an app called Drumpad. It had a variety of music tracks for reference and I was able to develop different new music tracks out of the tracks available on the Drumpad app.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I initiated a plan as I had a tightly packed schedule and making academics my top priority so I took some of my time and started exploring and creating prototypes as I was determined to improve my skills and I started to explore right away when I found a reliable source and started to make my prototype

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I wanted to make music so badly that when I found the appropriate source, I took some time out for myself and started to get creative with creating beats. It took me approximately thirty minutes to create the final draft of my prototype with multiple revisions to make it satisfactory.

Music Beats by Soumya | BandLab

vibes (music project) (

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