convocation ( service and activity )

For this experience, I was a part of the core committee for which we were supposed to manage the students and their roles and over seeing if everything was being done right welcome/greet the students, parents and teachers, distributed students’ graduation attire and gifts, and were asked to assist in other activities when required. We did this for our seniors, batch of 2023.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Since there were so many parents and teachers greeting them and distributing the outfit and gifts to students together was difficult to manage at times, however, since we were working in a team, we eventually decided to split the work so that the tasks were completed efficiently. This challenge helped me improve my self management skills and coordination skills, self management in order to complete my own tasks and coordination while dividing work and communicating with the team for work to be completed properly.

LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Being in the core committee of the event, I had to first decide with 2 other committee members and teaches about what will be the flow of event what all work can be distributed to what student and who will fit the most for the job. We then had to communicate to students about what their work in the event was. We also had to approve questions prepared by the students for taking interviews of the students, parents and teachers attending the event.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
During this activity, working collaboratively was important while duties were distributed for qualitative outcomes, coordination within the group was important to divide the work equally and according to willingness for the work that is to be done. It is important to be able to work collaboratively with people as it will help a lot in future events or in general to work effectively as dependency for work and communication with other will always be required.

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