Rural Immersion

Visiting Padam Dungri Eco-tourism for six days was a life changing experience that opened my eyes to the beauty of sustainable living. During my stay, I had opportunity to delve into various activity and immerse myself in the local culture. We learned about indigenous culture of Padam DUngri and learned about there food, dance, lifestyle and nature.

LO 2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

During the this experience we had to few activities which were out of my comfort zone. I did cow dung lipan, I had touch cow dung and fill gaps of locals house. It was challenging because I was scared if my hands will smell even though I was it. I have done similar kind of thing in my childhood at my village where we made small cakes of cow dung for Holi festival with my grandma. But after that I had never touched cow dung.

LO 4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I felt I was most committed during this experience in my life. Because we had to wake up early then do hard working activities all day. We had to basically become villager and live like them. We went for trekking to Toraniyo Dungar in early morning. Then after that we did rappelling and rock climbing. We stayed committed and persistent in whole trip.

LO 5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

In Padam Dungri we had to work collaboratively. We worked together for cleaning school wall, farming, warli painting, making oil pith and skit play. Working with others is not easy for me but during this trip I learned its much easier to work in groups then individually . We made oil pith in group, we were aligned in a line and then passed each other stones which made process faster and easier.

LO 6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During this experience we learned about villagers and there struggles. As we experienced ourself there lifestyle we got to know about issues of global significance faced by villagers. The issue of global significance faced is gender discrimination, as we visited schools, we had activity of playing frisbee, football and volleyball with them. They had to divide into groups but they were shy and not making mixed teams of girls and boys. But we noticed something which we didn’t expected, that ratio of girls was higher then boys in whole school. Generally we have more boys then girls in school.

LO 7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and action

For rural immersion, we had to go out somewhere without our parents and comfort zone. We were excited and curious to know about their lifestyle and so they were. But we had to be careful while asking questions, and make sure they didn’t get hurt by any of our questions. 

Inquirer-I was really curious bout there culture and got to know about there lifestyle.

Reflective-We had reflection every day about whatever we did. And after hearing others reflection I could know and connect with them.

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